Thursday, 18 April 2013

Floating Islands For The Old River

On a wild and windy day - 16 of our members generously gave us their time, to help construct 12 more cormorant cages and 4 floating islands.

We now have a total of 17 cormorant cages in the Old River, each one will be topped with a floating island.

The cages look like this
 If you take a walk around the Old River - you can see the location of each of these cages as there is a small bright marker float.
Over the next few weeks - each cage will be marked by a floating island - we made 4 yesterday - three have been left in the pub beer garden so that the plants can get established without the attention of water birds - we have put one in place so that people can have an idea of what we are trying to achieve.

1 down 16 to go !
Many many thanks to those members who gave their time - very much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. If all that helps to curb the cormorant problem, brilliant! I was made redundant 2 weeks ago, so it was great to have the time to put in some proper graft yesterday!

    Alan Pickersgill
